black and brown leather padded tub sofa

Segurança no Trabalho é sua missão? Você está no lugar certo!

Aprofunde seus conhecimentos, fique por dentro das novidades e leve sua profissão a outro nível. Leia nossos artigos e torne-se um especialista!


Oferecemos cursos e conteúdos sobre segurança no trabalho para aprimorar seu conhecimento.

Curso de NR 35

Nosso curso de NR 35 oferece a capacitação completa para que você trabalhe com segurança, reduzindo riscos e atendendo a todas as exigências legais.

A prominently displayed safety instruction sign at a secure area entry point. It lists various rules including: port safety induction required, flashing beacon and headlights on, children not permitted, speed limit of 20km/h, no public entry, extreme caution with heavy machinery, no handheld devices, drug and alcohol-free site, specific clothing and footwear requirements, and no bicycles. Additionally, it warns of hazardous substances present, such as oxidizing and flammable agents, toxic and corrosive materials, with emergency contact information provided.
A prominently displayed safety instruction sign at a secure area entry point. It lists various rules including: port safety induction required, flashing beacon and headlights on, children not permitted, speed limit of 20km/h, no public entry, extreme caution with heavy machinery, no handheld devices, drug and alcohol-free site, specific clothing and footwear requirements, and no bicycles. Additionally, it warns of hazardous substances present, such as oxidizing and flammable agents, toxic and corrosive materials, with emergency contact information provided.
Two construction workers in safety vests and helmets are walking through a narrow passageway. One is carrying a paint bucket, and they appear to be engaged in work-related activities. The surrounding area is an urban setting with a mix of concrete and metal surfaces.
Two construction workers in safety vests and helmets are walking through a narrow passageway. One is carrying a paint bucket, and they appear to be engaged in work-related activities. The surrounding area is an urban setting with a mix of concrete and metal surfaces.
Consultoria Especializada

Oferecemos consultoria para empresas visando a melhoria das práticas de segurança no trabalho.

Entre em contato para mais informações sobre nossos serviços e cursos disponíveis.

Contato Direto

Entre em Contato Conosco

Estamos aqui para ajudar com suas dúvidas sobre segurança no trabalho.

Three workers wearing safety helmets and protective gear stand in an industrial setting. Two of them observe while one holds a metal component near a machine involved with molten metal casting, emitting bright orange sparks. Control panels and heavy equipment are visible in the background.
Three workers wearing safety helmets and protective gear stand in an industrial setting. Two of them observe while one holds a metal component near a machine involved with molten metal casting, emitting bright orange sparks. Control panels and heavy equipment are visible in the background.